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The Key Biscayne Lions Club sponsored schools to participate in the Lions International Peace Poster Contest. Lions Clubs around the world have been sponsoring a very special art contest in schools and among youth groups. By creating Peace Posters, children everywhere have an opportunity to express their visions of a different peaceful planet, thereby inspiring the world through art, their creativity and idealism.

The 2020-2021 contest is Peace Through Service. Lions have provided an important reminder that is it through service that we bring people closer together. It’s through giving that we reap joy and celebrate kindness, hope and PEACE. This year, young people will have the opportunity to express their visions of a peaceful world through the lens of service and brotherhood.

Congratulations to St. Agnes middle school students and Nahila Campos Art Kids for participating in the Lions Peace Art Contest.

2020 Winners

St. Agnes Academy

1st, 2nd and 3rd Place

St Agens Academy

1st Place: Ines De la Puerta
2nd Place: Mateo Gomez-Peck
3rd Place: Alonso Enciso


St Agnes Academy

Blanca Ruiz, Maria Ruiz, Sofia Aleman, Valentina Fernandez, Luciana Braun, Miklos Keglevich, Andres Delgado, Guillermo Rochin, Lucca Sampayo, Carlota Tamayo, Ana Luisa Gonzalez Tello, Lucia Ryan, Faith Aldrich, Paulina Aleman

Nahila Art Kids

1st Place

Nahila Art Kids

Maria Fernanda Bracamontes

2nd Place

Nahila Art Kids

Elisa y Daniela Monk

For more information contact: Nora Camejo | 305.361.7064 | kblions@icloud.com | www.kblionsclub.com